Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Are You Highly Sensitive? Read This

5002_790677310947788_1751300631_n - Copy As a highly sensitive person, I've always experienced life differently than most of those around me. Being designed this way kept me awake, so when I slipped off and started to do what everyone else was doing, choosing a stressful corporate job, taking care of everyone else before myself, and not taking care of my body with healthy foods and exercise, I got wake-up calls from all directions. But the biggest thing that was holding me back was that I had no awareness about how to heal my emotions and harness my gifts of empathy, being a visionary, and a deep desire to serve and make a difference in the world. Before I stepped onto my spiritual path of self-knowledge, I lived in a very limiting world in which I was cut off from my potential. I was in codependent relationships that didn't nourish me; I blocked by fears and disconnected from myself and who I really was. When I became willing to see that I was creating my life experience through the lens of my perceptions, I began to release the beliefs and thoughts that were no longer serving me and connect with the love and happiness waiting for me within. Life began to sparkle from the inside out and I awakened to gifts I didn't know I had, knowledge and truth within me that was beyond this lifetime and not of this world. This path of self-knowledge, happiness and freedom is your soul path. As a highly sensitive person, it's important for you to know that your purpose here is deeply important. Some first steps for empowering yourself and activating your gifts: 1. You must heal your soul. Vulnerability does not cause pain, nor is it weak. Living vulnerably and openhearted is the most powerful thing we can do, because when we lead with love, there's no fear. Where there is no fear, there is no anger. As adults, what causes pain is the unhealed moments from the past that, when triggered, make us feel as if the past experience is happening again. Opening the heart doesn't make us susceptible to pain — closing it does. So it's your responsibility to look within yourself to see where there are emotional patterns that now need to be changed, to clear the space for even more of your real, loving self to express. 2. You can walk away. As you begin to make changes within, your relationships will begin to shift, some of them deepening and some of them falling away. Know that you are never a victim of someone else's behavior, opinions or harsh energy. People who drain you or can't see your light are no longer contributing to your growth and expansion. Let them go. 3. Your worth isn't predicated on how much you take care of others. You are worthy exactly as you are without doing anything. Lack of self-worth blocks us from being able to give and receive love in a healthy way. It holds us back from our dreams and our life's purpose, and it creates codependency in relationships where there's an imbalance of giving and receiving. And most of the time this is all unconscious, which means it has even more power and control over our lives, leaving us feeling stuck and paralyzed in our current life situation. Unless you say I'm worthy of this, you will not claim it. Everything you choose to claim is a reflection of your self-worth. When you know who you are, you claim your dreams and experience liberation. 4. You have a mission. Everyone here has a purpose — no one is here randomly or accidentally. It's a gift to feel things more and care more, because the absence of this looks like a level of apathy, denial and indifference that's just as dangerous and scary as actually being one of those who are harming others and the planet. You have a mission. A cause. A life's purpose. And the issues that affect you deeply, whether they conjure anger or grief, sadness or frustration are the very issues that are connected to your life's purpose and where you are meant to create change. 5. You need to turn off the distractions. Deprogram from the limiting reality projected in the media and start stepping into your dream life and out of fantasies, illusions and lack mentality. We live in an abundant universe and everything is available to us. Rather than feeding the fear-based media, begin looking inward to your vast potential that has the ability to make positive change in the world, adding value through sharing your gifts. Source:-

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