Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Joint pains completely gone!

217832_395942370442095_1633006440_nI’m juicing for healing of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I started in mid April (2010) and I drink about ¾ of a gallon of juice a day. Plus I changed my diet to a raw diet at the same time. The benefits have been unbelievably amazing. My family and friends are in awe of the difference it has made in me physically and the things I can now do. When I started juicing, my arthritis was so bad that at times I couldn’t even drive. Now I am walking 4 miles a day plus I have started hiking. I’ve been on three 5-mile hikes … it has truly been a life-saver for me. I feel as if I have my life back. I know its a lot of juice but I would drink more than that if I could, lol. I honestly feel better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. My energy is out the roof, I always felt like I had brain fog and now my mental clarity is unreal, 99% of the time I have a smile on my face … I’m just happy!! I still have issues with psoriasis and I may always have some issues with it but the joint pain is completely gone. I am off all medication, have not had to have pain meds in over 3 months. Juicing and eating a raw diet is THE most loving thing I’ve ever done for myself!   What I eat … I switched to a raw diet at the same time that I started juicing. I don’t limit my food intake…I eat as much as I want as long as it adheres to the raw diet. I have juiced as much as 3 bunches of kale, 15 carrots, 3 heads of celery and 6 apples in a day’s time. Sometimes I will throw in some parsley or cilantro depending on what is on sale. I have used swiss chard, spinach and romaine lettuce also but I love the kale and feel as if I get the benefit from the kale. Of course now that it is winter and I am not as active I am not juicing as much … I’ve cut back to about a half-gallon of juice a day. If I didn’t I would have so much energy I couldn’t sleep. On days in the summer when I was very active, hiking 5 miles a day, with a lot of climbing, I was drinking ¾ gallon juice, plus eating a lot of fruits (watermelon, strawberries, bananas, oranges, mangos) and salads (spring salad mix, avocado, tomatoes, celery, carrots, and sometimes sweet peppers), raw almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Source:-

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