Monday, February 17, 2014

Practice Yoga Together & Love Stronger

549634_10151101378212436_409872182_nWhen practiced alone, yoga is beautiful. Yet when practiced with your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner, it is revolutionary. It has the potential to transform your relationship. To water it, and let it bloom like a thousand petaled lotus. 1. Couples yoga builds trust. When you're balancing precariously on your partners feet, you begin to understand true trust. You feel that they are supporting you - truly! - with everything they have. And not only are they supporting your weight, but they're supporting your practice. Your decisions. Your goals and dreams. When you trust that your partner will hold you up on the mat, you will trust that they will hold you up in all aspects of life. 2. It reveals questions & inhibitions. Do you trust me? I don't feel supported. Will you lift me up so I can fly? I think I might fall. I need you to hold me here. Let's try this again. Am I pushing you too far? Are you ready? When you ask these questions and unveil these emotions on the mat, you might feel as though they're bubbling up from somewhere deeper within you. And you're right! Practicing yoga with your lover will open your heart. It will clear the fog in your mind. It will draw you closer together, and because of this, you might be willing to address problems or ask questions that have been bothering you for a while. And with your calm minds and spacious hearts, you can approach these questions and discover answers together. 3. It makes you laugh. There's no better drug combination than love & laughter. My husband and I tumble a lot. We roll on top of each other, he loses his balance, I lose my grip. It's a beautiful mess of postures and face plants. But the laughter that couples yoga generates is priceless. This is the glue of your relationship. Feel it rattle in your belly as you try to balance on his feet! Share a laugh, a kiss, a moment of bliss. 4. It ignites your sexual energy. Contact is key in couples yoga. It's intimate, and you often find yourselves with your eyes locked, your hearts pounding against your ribs, and your palms sweating from excitement. You breathe together, move together, interlace your fingers and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. And when you're done practicing on the mat, you'll head straight to the bedroom. Source:-

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