Monday, February 17, 2014

Soak-The-Day-Away Detoxifying Bath Recipe

549634_10151101378212436_409872182_nSelf-care is paramount to living well. As a Certified Health Coach, I talk daily to people who want to know how to live healthy lifestyles. One of the biggest patterns I've noticed in the hundreds of people I've coached is that most people who feel unwell have been neglecting self-care. Spending a little time each day to care for ourselves makes us better at everything we do — from our career, to parenthood, to being a citizen of this beautiful plantet. One of my favorite ways to indulge in self-care is to take a nice long soak at the end of the day. I call it my "Soak-The-Day-Away Detoxing Bath." It's cheap, easy, and can be done at home on your own time. I tell my clients there's no excuse not to try it! The epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in this stress-relieving bath will draw impurities out of your body and help relax your muscles, while the baking soda neutralizes acids on the skin and dissolves oil and perspiration. The epsom salts also raise the water's specific gravity, making the body more buoyant, which in turn allows you to feel light as you relax. Adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil will enhance your experience and allow you to fully de-stress. Soak-The-Day-Away Detoxing Bath 2 cups epsom salts 2 cups baking soda Optional: 5-10 drops your favorite essential oil. Try lavender to relax (my favorite), peppermint to energize or eucalyptus if your immune system is down. Add ingredients to a full, warm or hot bathtub and soak for 20 minutes. Any easy way to remember this bath is 2-2-20. Two cups epsom salts, plus two cups baking soda for 20 minutes. Dim the lights, light a candle and add some peaceful music or a nature sound track for an even deeper relaxing effect. Take your time to just relax and breathe. Most skin experts say to soak for 20 minutes to allow the epsom salts to pull the toxins from your pores, but not more than 20 minutes as you risk re-absorbing the impurities. Note: Epsom salt poses serious safety risks when taken orally. Do not take epsom salts orally unless directed by a licensed health care provider. Source:-

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