Monday, February 17, 2014
Home Remedies for Varicose Veins
Posted by
Green Yatra
4:58 PM
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful treatment for varicose veins. It is a natural body cleansing product and it also improves blood flow and circulation. When the blood starts flowing naturally, the heaviness and swelling of varicose veins will decrease to a great extent.- Apply undiluted apple cider vinegar on the skin over the varicose veins and gently massage the area. Do it every day before going to bed and again in the morning. Follow this remedy for a few months to reduce the size of varicose veins.
- Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and stir well. Drink the mixture twice a day for at least one month to see positive results.
2. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is considered a miracle treatment for varicose veins. Being a very rich source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, it increases blood circulation and eases the pain of congested, swollen veins.- Add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to a cup of hot water and stir it well.
- Drink this mixture three times a day for one or two months.
3. Olive Oil
Increasing blood circulation is essential to treating varicose veins. Massaging with olive oil can help increase circulation, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.- Mix equal amounts of olive oil and vitamin E oil and warm it slightly. Massage the veins with the warm oil for several minutes. Do this twice daily for one to two months.
- You can also mix four drops of cypress essential oil in two teaspoons of warm olive oil and massage with this mixture.
4. Garlic
Garlic is an excellent herb for reducing inflammation and the symptoms of varicose veins. It also helps break up harmful toxins in the blood vessels and improve circulation.- Slice up six garlic cloves and put them in a clean glass jar.
- Extract the juice from three oranges and add it to the jar. Also add two tablespoons of olive oil.
- Let the mixture sit for about 12 hours.
- Shake the jar and then put a few drops of the solution on your fingers. Massage the inflamed veins with the solution in a circular motion for 15 minutes.
- Wrap the area with a cotton cloth and leave it on overnight.
- Repeat daily for several months.
5. Butcher’s Broom
Butcher’s broom is very helpful for relieving the aches and discomfort of varicose veins. This herb contains compounds known as ruscogenins that help reduce inflammation while constricting the veins due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-elastase activity. Take 100 mg of butcher’s broom supplements three times a day. Created from the roots and seeds of the plant, butcher’s broom supplements have vitamins B and C along with calcium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, silicon and zinc. These nutrients will help tighten, strengthen and decrease inflammation in the veins as well as improve blood flow up the legs. Note: People with high blood pressure or benign prostate hyperplasia should not take this herb without consulting a doctor.6. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is a very effective herb for strengthening blood vessels and hence can reduce symptoms of varicose veins. Apart from being an astringent, it also contains gallic acid and several essential oils that can help reduce the swelling as well as the pain.- Soak a washcloth in witch hazel and place it on the affected area. Do this two or three times a day for one or two months.
- Alternatively, fill a tub with lukewarm water and add 10 to 20 drops of distilled witch hazel. Soak your legs in the solution for at least 15 minutes. Then wash your legs with clean water and pat them dry. Follow this remedy once daily for one or two months.
7. Horse Chestnut Seeds
- You can purchase horse chestnut seed gel available in the market. Use the gel externally on the affected area twice daily. When used regularly, it can significantly reduce leg pain and swelling.
- You can also take horse chestnut supplements. The most common dosage is 300 mg twice daily. Do not take raw horse chestnut as it contains large amounts of a toxic compound known as esculin.
8. Parsley
- Boil a handful of chopped fresh parsley in one cup of water for five minutes.
- Remove from the heat, cover and allow the solution to cool to lukewarm. Then strain the solution.
- Add one drop each of rose and marigold essential oils.
- Put the solution in the refrigerator for several minutes.
- Using a cotton ball, apply the solution to the affected area.
- Do this daily for several months to see positive results.
9. Grapevine Leaves
- Boil one cup of grapevine leaves in four cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow it to steep for several minutes until it is lukewarm.
- Pour it into a bucket and soak your feet in the solution for five minutes.
- Then put your feet in another bucket filled with cold water for 10 seconds.
- Do this three or four times at a stretch, ending with the cold water soak.
- Afterward, massage your legs in an upward direction with castor oil.
- Finish by putting your legs in an elevated position for a few minutes.
10. Marigold
- Boil one cup of marigold flowers in four cups of water for five minutes.
- Soak a cotton cloth in the solution and place the cloth on the affected area. Leave it on until it completely cools.
- Repeat several times a day for a few months until you notice improvement.
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Post Comments
This is an amazing home remedies to get rid of varicase vein instead going for Treatment for Varicose Veins
ReplyDeleteIt's good that someone is recommending natural vein treatments. Sometimes it's a deficiency (like copper) causing connective tissues to be malformed. Other times, it's an excess. Biopsies of varicose vein tissue show there is too much sugar bonded to it.
ReplyDeleteGood post!! non surgical treatments also helpful for treating varicosevein & it takes minimal recovery time. I had varicosevein on my legs & took EVLT treatment by Dr. Abhilash at These treatment helped alot in my life and i'm completely healthy now.