Monday, February 17, 2014
How To Get Centered Anytime, Anywhere In 7 Breaths
Posted by
Green Yatra
11:23 AM
It may look as if you are just standing there, but Mountain Pose also called Tadasana (tah-DAHS-uh-nuh), is an active pose helping improve balance, posture, awareness and calm focus. It is said that every pose in yoga is mountain pose.
What does that mean? Mountain Pose is the foundation pose for all other standing and balancing poses. In Mountain Pose we become present and aware, connecting all parts of the body using every muscle, grounding the lower body while engaging the core and finding alignment, equanimity and balance.
Learning how to center ourselves in Mountain Pose is one way to integrate yoga into our everyday life. Mountain Pose teaches us how to stand firmly on our own two feet, finding the natural strength and alignment in the body. From this place, we can extend outward to other poses with a confidence that makes more challenging poses possible.
Through a committed practice we can begin to take the principles of Mountain Pose into our life, grounding down, becoming present, and clearing the path for expansion. From this place of awareness we can begin to step out into a new adventure or tackle a challenging situation with a greater sense of confidence.
Practicing Mountain Pose can allow one to move from the place of informal observation of the mind and body to a more formal place of observation, and can be done at any time in the flow of a yoga practice or on its own throughout the day, steadying the mind and body and bringing a calm focus to the one practicing.
Stand with the feet hip-width apart and take in a few deep, complete breaths. Keep your arms down with your fingers extended and triceps firm. Check to make sure your feet are facing straight ahead. Search for equanimity in your balance. Gently draw the muscles of the thighs closer to the bones of the thighs and bring the weight of your pelvis back, feeling your spine lift. Slightly engage the lower belly while lifting the heart and the crown of the head.
Draw your shoulder blades down slightly toward your waist and just slightly draw them together. Hold your head in such a way that your line of vision is parallel with the floor. For most this will call for a slight drop in the chin toward the chest. Let your attention rest on your breathing.
When standing in a balanced, open mountain pose, the breath will feel free and easy. Take 7 to 10 steady and smooth breaths. To work on balance, practice with the eyes closed. To come out of mountain pose, simply move into the next pose you are practicing or into your daily activities. Practice mountain pose throughout the day whenever you feel a need for centering.
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